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25th Dec 2023
25th Dec 2023
I know it's a mostly text-only save, but I did include some subframe examples, and text-only is part of the nature of the save.


  • Jakav
    16th May
    An older type of Zain works with VIRS instead, so after the VIRS goes through the portal, it is cured and can become whatever it was beforehand. The VIRS replaces the PPIP. See the forum post for some more info about various things.
  • Jakav
    16th May
    Some explanation, as to how Zain works, as this isn't very clear: Zain usually works by using DRAY to generate PPIP which contains elements which are then sent through PRTI. We use the property tool so the PPIP contains the exact right things we want, as shown in this save. On the outside, there is PRTO, so the elements we sent from inside the device come out here. We can send a wide variety of things through the portals, including BCLN, PRTO itself, CONV, etc.
  • Jakav
    16th February
    I'm not good with Zain either, honestly. The development process is tedious.
  • AekaMogila
    11th February
    Well as it is right now I am not really that good with those sorts of things but maybe someday when I bother to learn and experiment more, given no one does it before, I could perhaps create such a device ;). This really is some amazing stuff, thank you for everything you have done, you rock!
  • AekaMogila
    11th February
    Oh I just saw the forum post, I should probably start looking at the forums more haha
  • Jakav
    13th January
    @AekaMogila Yes, actually. This is directly inspired by the Jain tech. Yes, that azure idea would work. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to optimize to get the right amount of CONV and PRTO, not too much and not too little. Please do it!
  • AekaMogila
    6th January
    also, can you not use an isolated module to spawn tmp'd conv in order to immensely optimize azure performance? I always wanted to find a way to better spread out tmp conv and this might be perfect
  • AekaMogila
    6th January
    the ZAIN virs stuff reminds me of a device VIBR made a long time ago, did you guys work together?
  • Jakav
    25th Dec 2023
    If you have any questions, ask in the comments!