holy crap this supercollider is so fun to play around with
Why isn't anyone talking about how this was already made multiple times, such as in id:1881004 and id:2950654
anyone did my recepy ? its lower in the comments
PLUT+p->URAN+LAVA+NEUT and BVBR+p->EXOT+BREL+ELEC. There is no reaction between PLUT PROT nad BVBR, only energy transfer.
plut + prot + broken vibranium = uranium and exotic matter
It's easy to create TUNG, TTAN, GOLD, IRON, and others using only PROT, gravity, pressure and temperature. Its starts when PROT->PLUT->LAVA->STNE->ROCK->Metals
i hate it when I create Polonium +1