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11th Jan 2024
16th Jan 2024
This is our solar system a cool place.
space solar realistic


  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    The earliest homonid was probably Australopithecus Afarensis: It walked on two feet (bipedalism), and had an upright posture. Traveling far forward in time, one of Australo's descendants is Homo Erectus (Upright Man). Homo Erectus was the first officially sapient creature ever on earth. Homo Erectus looked very similar to us, he had dark skin and was not hairy, but had ridges over his eyes. Homo Erectus was very successful.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    Primates emerged when a tarsier-like small mammal evovled: It lived life on the tree branches like a squirrel. It hand opposable thumbs, and small hands, and a new type of claw called "Nails". Because they had no competition, they evolved to become larger, and evovled to become the common ancestor all primates: great apes, monkeys, and hominids. We did NOT evovle from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of all primates.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    Mammals never had a shell evovled in eggs, instead they evolved their form of development where the amniotic fluid egg is never laid, instead the mother keep the amphibian-like egg inside her, evovlving new organs like the umbilical cord and plasenta. This makes her need to eat the right nutrients to keep the baby alive without laying it, which takes more of her time and energy, but it probably evovled to protect the bebe from being eaten.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    Reptiles lived at peace with rat-like mammals, and during the Jurassic, the birds emerged during that period: Dense feathers, extremely strong arms, thin bodies, and long tails. However, the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous, most dinosaurs went extinct (yes birds are a form of dinosaurs). Mammals no longer had competition with dinos for survival so they grew in size to become mammals like equidea, ursidae, canidea, primate, cetacea, felidea, and proboscidea.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    These Animal cells create jelly-like sea creatures, which later learn to move by themselves, evolve exoskeletons, ink, and jaws, with sharks being the first ever to evolve jaws (a moving bone under the mouth), Smaller fish evovle to spend more time on land, branching off to be amphibians and reptiles. The reptiles are the first to evovle the shell around the amniotic fluid and jelly surround the egg. These reptiles evovled to become very large, and early reptiles evovled into mammals.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    Ocean geysers created acids. These acids learn to link themselves in Double Helix forms. The use proteins to build themselves they multiply by splitting off like a zipper and growing the empty half side. They surround them selves in a cytoplasm, and later create organellse to boost their performance and have new functions. After this, the most successful types of cells evolve: Plant cells and Animal cells, with Plant cells being the most successful of all
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    The earth was created when many asteroids and many dwarfs collided to create a slightly medium sized terrestrial planet. This planet gained a somewhat dense but not thick amosphere made of N2. Hundreds of ice meteors make water appear, but this water evaporates from the heat of the planet. As the water frequently cools and comes in contact with toxic gases and rocks when it rains down, sodium chloride begins to appear. This creates salty water which later makes oceans when the planet cools.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    A large terrestrial planet began to pull gas into its orbit. These became atmospheres. However, gas kept accumilating, and the more gas the planet got, the thicker the atmosphere an grater the gravity. The planet begins to gain mass and gas faster and faster. After millions of years, the planet's gas accumilation and gravity become so strong that it formed many moons. The moons frequently break apart from the Roche limit, and form rings. That was how Jupiter formed.
  • Beamngdriver
    16th Jan 2024
    Thank you bro, I am spitting some good facts
  • SpaceGuardian0
    16th Jan 2024
    Beamngdriver:Solor system lore