Nationwide Ospia. Starts in 1400 A.D. and ends at 2100 A.D. Conquer the land and invent new things for you, and other nations to use. Create alliances, enemies, and wars. Ship trade routes, colonization, and more! *This is my first nationwide*
kit237:The fog is coming
by the way, Beamngdriver, NEVER open page 36 by votes.
in general, most likely it will be next Friday so that the players can get excited on Saturday and Sunday.
ok, I want to do a small test drive of the rules that I came up with (ID:3079813), I havent decided on the time, but it will probably be after Beamngdriver's birthday because everything will happen in discord and he cant be in discord until he are 13 years old (If I were Beamngdriver, I wouldnt scatter information about myself like that because using archives and what he has already said is enough to find out his name and place of residence)
Beamngdriver: Looks like this nationwide slowly becomes your work
kit237:Look on the left of the settlement icons, each of those things show how many pixels of money/research you need
Expand east and build port towns along the coast.Further explore Stokrea and look for any places we can set up a colony.
create a bureaucratic accounting board in order to draw up a clear financial plan and eliminate corruption. Lets explain the early unclear cost of buildings by the fact that there was no such board at that time.
kit237: You mean only technology? Anyway, any cataclysm will be fun
expansion plan - ID: 3081542. also please write the cost of buildings (as I understand, "economy" is people's money, and "money" is government money).