lebonbon sounding like lebanon
the plans have been moved from year 33 to year 32.
Lebobon Kingdom expands north to spread the greatness of Lebonbon
these plans begin year 33
We capture multiple of the enemies' government officials. Let's just say we have plans for them.
we sell the legonians some of our territory in russia to connect their land.
we continue advancing into enemy territory, showing absolutely no mercy to anyone.
Example of chants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xaj8QSJZ0E (Ethiopian chants as reference)
Establish megacities in the former capitals of the nations counquered by the Ambattu Imperium. Send hovership carriers to aerial mode, and start broadcasting radio chants to the rest of Africa using the hoverships for transmitting signals. These chants honor Ambattu, the thousand year old Prophet-Emperor, who uses his miracles to show that pacifism is flawed, and vengeance is holy, for if the transgressor has done so without remorse, the transgressed must do so in accordance to the scriptures.
Expand to Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbambwe, and Botswana. Convert the people there, by dropping a trickle of a priest's intoxicated blood in a chalice of wine, and a convert of Sanguine Christianity has to drink from the chalice, to purge their body of the Blood of Judas. This will ensure that their faith is strong, and they are willing to build a holy nation.