As the old one becomes less active, here comes a new one!
we also begin invading Taiwan
we begin harvesting Antimatter from bananas.
we are creating our first space fleet.
Utah appears in the middle of the Indian Ocean and immediately declares war on itself
we begin construction of BASILISCOS, KETEA, and MECHANUKES
Kangaroo Empire attempts to communicate with the orbital object and tries to identify the anomaly
The penguins begin relentless bombing runs on R.O.C
*Completely* unrelated to that, everything within a 8 pixels radius from the center of Brittany vanished.
Mid year 29, activity was detected on the surface of the object. It suddenly appeared on thermal imaging, showing a rapid increase in temperature. Within an hour, the object went from almost completely undetectable to visible in broad daylight for an entire week before going dark again almost as quick.
they made an ICBM, before they secretly researched rockets