As the old one becomes less active, here comes a new one!
parts of the phalanx produced in no pain emp. will be delivered to florida. after this the phalanx will go west, when the phalanx is close to the border of the crupp, it will turn north
Im ready to help no pain emp. in the colonization of North America. I will create such a system - ID: 3089669 phalanx, which will be very effective in colonization, but quite expensive to start. we will redirect android factories from too internal regions belonging to no pain emp. (Sicily for example) to create a phalanx.
no pain ask help to perpigeans to colonize north america
We have a name for our leader now: King Nugget.
Similar to No Pain, we celebrate the 17th anniversary of the founding of the penguin empire. But due to how old our king is, we hold a coronation for the new king of the Penguin Empire.
they are near to acomplish the principal objetive, have europe in our control
and they form the empire
no pain celebrates the 12th aniversary and puting a star on the middle
We continue our expansion of our russian colonies
I own over 5 million square miles of land