As the old one becomes less active, here comes a new one!
Wanton takes its stolen land back
oh em gee civil war in utah oh em gee civil war in utah
no one gonna talk about the civil war in utah
Crupps obliterate and claim the chunk of wanton on North America
top 10 overextend
No pain is absorbed by Wanton
Racoon Empire's leader wakes up after being asleep for 30 years.He immediately declares war on Muchavaia.
i will take all not recolected land and i become an empire
The Ambattu Imperium turns Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, into a gigantic hovership named Batukam. Batukam sweeps through the nation in mere days through a massive system of fighter jets and artillery, leading to the capitulation of Mozambique. It is a dark day for Africa.
not the kiwis again