kit237: i do all those things too except for the assing (youing)
develop an impenetrable system of protection against assassinations of the main persons of our alliance, in the meantime, poison Jim's food (ruler of the PBNJ), shoot the leader of the Azur dragons, blow up the residence of the empire's krupp, glue the limbs of the Legonian ruler with superglue, and set robot pigeons on the ruler of the raccoon empire.
also strengthen the territories of the alliance by building air defenses, factories in the mountains, bunkers and introducing androids. also make two server systems: the first will be aimed at protecting against cyber attacks on androids and other electrical things, the second will conduct cyber attacks on droids 24/7, significantly reducing the capabilities of the alliance.
create a strong task force that will destroy all emerging raptorshark nations (group composition: many planes with bombs and paratroopers, aircraft carriers, tank divisions, androids). send them to the blood angels to take control of them, then attack the Legonians.
HOLY $H!T!!!! yesyesy must have a BIG problem
man either yesyesy is dead or his electricity provider went boom again
holy this is taking FOREVER, is yesyesy's electricity provider exploded again
seriously, literally the only person in your "alliance" is ThingamabobOverseer lol
kit237: ahem yeh SCREW YOU