As the old one becomes less active, here comes a new one!
start sending hydrogen prostheses to the penguin empire that allow you to emit plasma with a temperature of 6730 degrees, this will allow you to make buildings out of ice better and faster, which will allow them to expand faster in Antarctica. also send androids to No Pain for faster expansion and military power.
send a proposal to join the alliance of the Albanian Empire, Switzerland, Myctophids, Smileland, R.O.C. and Legonians
start producing hydrogen muscle androids that will be better than step by step propulsion droids. expand in Turkey and the islands nearby, also take control of the Suez Canal and create a powerful fleet.
no pain thecnology is devolping fast, TV are like this
and no pain discovers the nuclear bombs
no pain acepts perygean alliance request
the polar bears get to antarctica and take over the part opposite the penguins
seems like its the year of prosperity and liberation
oh god chill