An inverted version of North Dakota named East Dakota fills in the void,causing strange phenomenon to occur throughout most of the Midwest
wanton absorbs Taiwan and North Korea.
The Ambattu Imperium's corporations send out massive and heavy defended trade hoverships to warlords and drug cartels in the Americas, in order to sell massive amounts of heavy weapons, vehicles, and jets.. Whilst the corporations gain a hellton of money, it has empowered any future drug epidemic in the Americas, by an extremely long shot.
Meerkat Republic begins a project with a robtics company to create heavy yet agile armored vehicles.They develop a vehichle known as the Gazelle for use in thick jungle against infantry.
The Ambattu Imperium begins a massive stage of expansion. Emperor of Ambattu signs the Alder Act, allowing for the unchecked expansion of state-owned corporations beyond the border.
The entirety of North Dakota gets pulled into a hole in the spacetime fabric after someone tried to make a homemade particle accelerator.
Wanton remembers that it is a world super power and declares war on the Legonians
wait, did my country die?