if the unit has tmp 0 is a infantery if 1 a tank and 2 is navy, Good luck! allways credits to coffee
continue expanding into the islands of Oceania (a bunch of islands between China and Australia) and building things on them. in the meantime we are building good ports
XD yeah
auto expand: on. lol
we continue to take over the USA and do more every turn (i'm just doing that so i don't have to comment about it every turn)
@ThingamabobOverseer, ok.
im expanding in thailand and making a good fleet, im also building mines, factories and farms
What's the starting era?
what's the 4th nation
i do know the USA has a lot of oil
well, i expand up into the U.S.A. (where i live irl) and make heavy fortifications at the bottom of canada, and then build large amounts of mines and oil pump things