28 / 3
26th May
1st June
Proof of concept, does not work 100% of the time.
science quantum spookyaction vine teleportation wood neut


  • Ingot
    27th May
    cool, never knew that was possable. also (PoC?)
  • electrongydrogen
    27th May
    amazing, it worked for me when i put batteries on each numbered button
  • AtlantisDragon
    26th May
    Neutrons have the property of causing vine and plant to turn into wood. Vine (and plant with a tmp of 1) spread along wood. Neutrons also displace wood pixels and neutrons at super high speeds can only displace them into the places where you can see them travel (press f to see frame by frame). These effects combined effectively teleport the pixels of plant and wood, you can then grow them at the destination with slower neutrons.