hypergolic rubidium rocket free to use WITH CREDIT! just to note that the rubidium can soldifiy depending the environment like ambient heat
the only problems are the acid oxidizer and the thrust which tends to curve to the right a bit
kit237: i would replace the acid oxidizer with something else but nothing else ignites on contact with rubidium
i recommend moving NSCN and PSCN away so that RBDM does not activate them and ACID does not corrode them (fill the space between the activators and the clone with something non-corrosive), also if you use shift+double drag circle to shape the wires (or whatever it is) it would look really cool +1
it's almost impossible to make a good truster only using fuel to create pressure so +1
the only problem is that i put pump in it because the thrust is trash but its the only way i can get it to work
Oh i understand what hypergolic is now i guess thats exacty what type of rocket this is
wait let me search it up
DivineEGELIT: i dont know what that means but thanks? i like science but i've never heard that before
Its hypergolic