(Partially comment controlled save) Create a civilization! Rules: 1: All inventions must be in chronological order. No inventing computers before you invent the wheel. 2: No destroying humanity! We want this to go as far as it possibly can.
When will the east be added?
the golem is immediately destroyed by the sheer force of the dwarves before entering the city. a full conflict has not yet started as scouts found it was a lone golem and that it was suffering from severe mental issues; judging from its erratic behaviour and disheveled apearance.
a lone rougue golem heads past the fortress and enters dwarven territory. it senses a large cave near a small farm, it finds a hatch next to a few buildings that leads to the underground city.
when it gets past like 1000 ac can tie slow down due to the surreal ammount of technological advancements in that time
id:3133254 hmmm, makes sense
Hey guys, thanks for 3K views! Now, I certainy wasn't expecting for it to go in a fantasy direction, but it's a welcome surprise. That being said, evolve new races if you want. Any animal can become humanoid if it evolves long enough. Cya tomorrow, - Agar
yeah wait these names are trippy
Darwindia would have to make a long and protracted siege to invade The Unmoving.
the unmoving as their capital is pretty much a single deffensive position
Anyways, which nation is currently the most milliristically strong?