It's a fairly simple concept. Noble gas conducts, so you can make a wire from it. Just don't use this in your home, as it conducts at around 900 degrees Celsius.
I did use zoom, but it's still requires me to be extremely careful as changing my cursor size on mobile is virtually impossible without accidentally placing elements. also just realized smaller version doesn't go forever so I'm in the process of fixing that. pray for my soul.
lisen u can use zoom by using second form bottom icon on same line earese but +1 for efforts and im doing mos of stuff on phone too
Not bad!
I hope you like the smaller one, because it DID take like an hour to make on mobile, and it was probably the most excruciatingly careful hour of my life.
added smaller circuit that took like an hour to make on mobile. now the real question. was it even worth it? the smaller circuit just barely makes it as all the plasma dissipates, allowing for a kind of miracle of a circuit. I made it the exact length needed to JUST BARELY get there, completely on accident.
yeah, sorry, I'm on mobile trying to make this so I can't make a super tiny tube of noble very easily. but I can certainly try
idea good way u made it ridicoulous it could be used as heater 0