Rule 1: no bombs Rule 2: no nukes Rule 3: no weird things Rule 4: if you want me to add things tell me where to because i can't find a place to place
@crazy_dave1234 99 75 63 155
long aswer is nooooooooooooooooooo i am not and expert
well the short answer is i am not an expert
what do you think i am an expert or smth?
add a leviathan from subnautica in a lake floating around ~80 pixels from the ground
anh his paracetamol
Kaven i added saddam hussein's hiding spot
but i have to add it because i want to get likes
kaven read the rule 3 it says no weird things
laminat can you tell me like for example 255 55 300 like this because i was not able to find that color