A coal fueled power plant that is capable of producing 200-300C steam. (check out my other creations :>)
my version (improved a bit) ID:3213991
i hope you do not take offense to my constructive criticism.
of course, i am not saying it is bad, but that great improvement CAN be made.
a few more things: the chimney should be moved to more efficiently remove smoke, INSULATE the walls, connect the metal rods to the water pipes,
+1 pretty cool. one thing i would like to say, it is really inefficient. those metal rods get to 300 degrees C, yet they only take heat away, leading to the water in the steam chamber barely boiling. also, make it automatic (or at least an ignition button).
the flame might stallout, if so then simply give the fire a boost by igniting it once again
check out my other creation guys ;)
Simply ignite the firebox
Cool! But where is a instructions?
Fish_bread: okay, that's funny right there. The hilarity of you guys shutting down nuclear plants in favor of burning coal is immense. Truly, the peak of german humor, right behind trying to pass a EU bill that would label petrol as "eco-friendly"