wikipedia is a memetic agent created by the foundation
rooger:wikipedia is fake........
are you able to make the life emerging more of a range? i heard the exact date is not well known
Christians. Always thinking everyone is Christian too. You see other ppl who believe in other religions saying stuff like that and always promoting it?
Alright alright, no more religion on timeline related saves. Explain everything past that 6,000 years. Same thing happened on abaxi's ages of Earth.
also is jurassic not a period? according to wikipedia
hunderstorm this saves existence isn't an attack to your beliefs
ThingamabobOverseer: you failed, the correct answer was: B
@jwill9697 the Jurrasic era is one of the three sub-epochs of the Paleozoic Era. It took place between 201.3 and 145 million years ago.