Simon is a Administrator ! Anyway stop Talking about Simon ... But he is a Devoloper too . Simon is The Creator Of Powder Toy . Simon has a Yellow Nma ein Comments Because he is a Administrator and Developer . And SlimeCruusher , You Are not allowed to Be Rude to Any Moderators , Administrators or Developers . I dont know if there is any More :D . Simon is the BOSS of Powder Toy , If he is not , He Acts like one and he IS one .
Hey Simon ! How do you write signs ? I want to know becuase im Bored and i wanted it all this time ! And hello SlimeCrusher
@Chimneyswift11 Do you feel awesome by copying some famous youtuber name and use it, for YOUR account?
@thepowderdustflame (facepalm)
Stanislaw Skowronek created the game initially.