this isn't the best chernobyl save I've seen
Well i know what Chernobyl is, but i dont know what Chenobyl is. Is it a nuclear kettle bomb?
This save is 100% accurate. +99999
@eli573 Most reactors use uranium dioxide, but some use mixed oxide fuel composed of U-235, U-238, Pu-239, etc. Otherwise, that was an exceedingly well written comment on your part.
not all reactors are fission some are fusion and i would know becasue i live by a fusion reactor
Nuclear reactors use Fission(of Uranium 235, 233(?), Plutonium, etc.) They don't use uranium under pressure (common sense,) so he is partially right, not that I am, in anyway, excusing the atrocities committed here. You, the creator, deserve to sit on the jumping reactor lids of Reactor 4 and get vaporized. I believe I speak for surviors, family members of casualties, etc. when I say that.
clicker, a golden cookie that is worth 10 billion billion billion billion billion cookies! Did I forget to mention that they are anti-cookies, as in they each lower your cookie number by 1 each?
this is my least favorite nuclear reactor, and if you found this save after reading my comment for "fully manual nuclear reactor" then congradulations! You won a cookie! A digital cookie in cookie