ill make you the best logos.. have a look at my existing logos and tell me if you want me to make you one.. I MADE THEM ALL.. NO COPY UNLESS I POST YOUR LOGOS THAT YOU ASK FOR I WILL POST WHEN YOURS ARE MADE
Creator.. Yours might be finnished today i dont know.. i start makeing now!!
Is it okay.. because i can improve..
Yes I did
Petrol did you get yours
is mine comin soon made yours but didn't save it so it will be done later
i suppose i'll hav to, but if you're as good as J-M3z told me, then it might be worth it
White man.. I might not be able to fit yours in today 0.0 Cab you wait?
Nuke symbol?
may i have one of th nuke symbol with my name to the right of it? and pls make it in 2 sizes? i voted up.
Petrol.. i made yours but i dont think its beter then your existing logo im posting it now