16 / 2
17th Jun 2011
10th Sep 2011
open and close the layer menu to swich layers can change the settings if wanted, swich to layers and do programming inside object, hide layer menu to go back to have more room. when on other layers a transparent image of prev layer is visible.


  • jesbs1604
    18th Jun 2011
    2 more ideas would b white LEDs and paint with custom colours (paint can change colour of solids walls and some gasses.)
  • jesbs1604
    18th Jun 2011
    exactly my point thanx 4 the vote :D
  • snovvfall
    17th Jun 2011
    This will be hard to do, but may lead to revolution in TPT. Do you understand, what I'm talking about?
  • snovvfall
    17th Jun 2011
    Perfect idea! Voted up. Maybe I want too much, but if particles on nearby layers will influence each other (heating, pressure, SPRK), this can be an interpretation of 3d environment inside 2d view.