69 / 8
29th Jun 2011
25th Jul 2011
This is what you would see if you came across a stellar mass black hole in space. It's invisible, but it's possible to make out the distortion around it. Before it rips you apart of course


  • Catelite
    2nd Jul 2011
    Asking people to tell why if they vote is against the rule. :<
  • heavy-duty
    1st Jul 2011
    nice i wouldn't want to get caught in that if i had i would have to travel the speed of light
  • Jonperk318
    1st Jul 2011
    @user25 yeah but this is really the only way to get the distortion effect of a black hole (with plasma)
  • Jonperk318
    1st Jul 2011
    @JH-Darkfire oh it is? I thought it was just against the rules to ask for votes, and I see people ask why others vote down all the time.
  • user25
    1st Jul 2011
    BLack holes take in light, and they cant be seen, there is no light emitted and it is invisible. But it is ok
  • JH-Darkfire
    1st Jul 2011
    You might want to remove the "If you vote down, tell why" as it is against the rules.
  • Jonperk318
    1st Jul 2011
    Thanks guys for the front page! And alin: yeah it kind of does. I also made a solar eclipse as another save though
  • alin
    1st Jul 2011
    it looks more like an eclipse....
  • BloodLust
    1st Jul 2011
    and you wouldnt rly be able to recognize a black hole it would be a *flying along everythings fine *ceases to exist
  • BloodLust
    1st Jul 2011
    yea i thought it funny when i heard that to find where black holes ARE they look for where stuff ISNT as black holes abosrb everythign aroudn em XD