I am starting a campaign against drunk driving for a friend.If you wish to join please leave a comment. All support is much appreciated. Note to those who have joined: Feel free to use the new logo in the left hand corner.
@-they-call-me-Spartan-177 thats kinda LONG!! lol!!!
exactly thecowdiva. are you joining?
This is great. Don't drink and drive!!!
you are welcome 117.
This is. . .I am speachless. . .
Thank you crazchick.
If this saves just one person it will be well worth everything. . .
to you partiers out there. . .be carefull. . .have a designated driver. . .wrecklessness hurts not only the people who are victims but those who drive under the influence and create the problems. . .
young people like us sometimes do not realize the dangers until something bad happens to us and then it is too late to change things. . .
if you haven't already seen it check my other comment craZchick. .and thank you again. . .for everything.
Spartan-117 out
thanks comrade. (you know who you are. anybody else plz do not ask.)
Hey 117, as promised i put this up. I hope it is okay.