you know what F off because if you were XxX-wolf-XxX, than you wouldn't want people being whinie little babies, so how about you keep you're yap shut so karma doesn't bite you were you don't want it to.
seriously, X-Wolf (the nickname i decided 4 XxX-wolf-XxX) has had us waiting forever.
now, go on some other game-thingy and annoy the shit out of people.
also, get a life. we have been waiting more than a year, i reckon, for 24 to come out. we are getting very, VERY impatient scooby, so STFU and stop commenting stupid things like that. no one likes you.
hang on...if it's 1 to 10, there can't be a 0. HA
that show how much respect you have egg, on a scale of 1 to 10, 0!!
Clap Clap that was very bright Scoobysals