oh, and @trcndc... a baby can born with more than 23 gene pairs, but with deformities (physical or mental) and monitor lizards can't reproduce asexually. Only simple living beings can reproduce asexually, and those don't make differences from male to female, or don't even have a sex (like plants, fungi, bacteria, coral, sponges...)
I cannot believe how much whining about reproduction is here. Grow up! +1 because of the great save. Love it :)
The things fertilizing the egg are sperms. Ask your parents. If you dare.
fixed start sequence, now it will start anyway. Acidental child ignition is still possible.
View it in blob, it looks EPIC
I think It might have worked when Newt. Gravity is off
Minecrafter, I is supposed to be capitalized. :)
Seriosly I tried it no work ;-;