Various types of grenades: First type, normal, for every moment Second type, advanced,More powerfull than stadart grenades Third type,Anti CPU, to crash the most powerfull computer Special type,It was a surpise... :D
Ups, Where is the ID
Whats the ID of creation??
I made the gol gernade work,partly
you have to spark whole pin if you want the GOL to work....
When gol grenade dont fail it make a big explosion of gol and it dont erase, it make heat and more heat
Use it for separate :D
I like it and all but when i did it it kept on making presure after the grenade was triggerd activating some of the others and that was anoying
what is the gol grenade do when it doesn't fail?
yah i got it, make love..... great. lmfao