pixel banking customers can purchase properties here
add a big building to have shopping center with 10 places for shops
put a gerden on some and ad alotments like gerdens people can own that are not on there houses and add land just a square like a plot of land and then put a sign to say how much it costs to build on that land and also add a few caravans
heymac im making your account powder-toy-club you have 3 accounts to add
hey im not im leaving at 4 today and non-stop tpt till then and when i get there about midnight ill get my memory stick out put it in the pc and more tpt and they get 2000ps when they start
@heymac pixel banking is a new idea from user lug where anyone from the pixel club can open there own pixel bank account the type of money is called pixel commenly knowen as ps. i will try to get your pixel club up and running as soon as i can. sorry it wont be up imediatly as the realy leader is lug. he is onholiday so i am takeing over but as i said, i will get it set up as soon as i can. this dose not require any real money. when you open your pixel bank account you get 1500 ps. you make your own shop and sell things for pixels, look at roadrippers shop for a perfect example. you go to other users shop and buy stuff with your pixels sorry if i have not gave you much info, search user:lug fir more infomation.
@heymac no, i got the idea from lug, he was first to make a pixel bank housing estate
I was just wondering, did you get this idea from me because I gave THEJUDGE24 an idea very similar to this in a post.
yes, ask powder-toy-club
What is pixal banking? Can I join if I would to?
i didnt evan add a million air thing rofl