@shrO_Om96 - thanks dude, hope you found the surprise in the save too. Best wishes, DadRipper
i hardcore love star trek! i love your borg save too, that episode was awsome
real attention to detail @awhiteguy - clearly a true trek fan! - I may make some other saves soon - best wishes.
I have given feedback though you probably cannot see it unless you are in the browser and not on tpt
You asked me for feedback on this save, this is my feedback.
The map of the ship is a good idea but that would probably do better in more detail and a different publication; the smaller ship would be better as just a straight on picture like it is coming toward you or just a starboard view like the bigger one; there is no need for two of the same ship in the same publication, get rid of the smaller ship, fill in the bigger ship, decorate it in more detail than the smaller ship; the warp nacelles should be glowing wheather warp is engaged or not, simulate going to warp by either showing passing stars or making the nacelles glow brighter or some other creative way; it looks like you tried to make the bigger ship simulate impulse engines, impulse engines are blocked from view by the nacelles; the deflector dish is outlined in blue; the "lobe" on the bottom of the ship should end closer to the back; the transporter is a good idea but the planet the transporter puts the person on is a bit contrary to the ship goind at warp unless the planet were to move away when warp is engaged.
Good luck with your improvements.
@12bcrawford - pixel artist pls
ok what does he want to be?
This save (apart from the counter) is by DadRipper - but RoadRipper would be pleased to join your club. Regards, DadRipper
hey roadripper do u want to join the pyromaniac club?
spark the coloured buttons to work it