30th Aug 2011
20th Oct 2011
No Description provided.
Its not an Electro magnetic blast its an electro magnetic pulse
*sigh* then why are they military weapons if they are pointless?
kinda pointless...
don't i played mw2 and still didnt know what it standed for. thespazz i know this is the closest effects you can get in tpt
lol, never knew what EMP meant until this, I feel supid. :P
you cant make a EMP in PTP its not posible
actually this was an accident lol. i know because joshy45 is my cousin and i helped make this lol
Its actually really easy to make one that can zap it w/o destroying it o.0
lol i didnt mean to XD
@Jammy45, remember, repetition is the key to success