29th Sep 2011
22nd Sep 2013
No Description provided.
this gun is very strong. One recomendation is to take out the delay after you pull the trigger to the time it takes for PHOT's to come out
this isnt week dude look at the heat on this thing...
I hate guns which look so awesome, but they're so weak :(
hey supercharazard my name is error do you see an error going on or anything? and that proves surfcashes point...
Ya surfcash is right almost everything in this game is called by an improper name so lets just not argue about this stuff.
Supercharazard, it doesnt matter, half of the stuff on tpt isnt what people say it is but nobody ever complains till now
Error: Calling people dipshits isn't exactly polite :/
surfcask, if I make a bomb and call it a gun, it still isn't a bomb. This is a laser, not a Gauss Rifle. The closest we can get to gauss rifles are ones using gpmp
Pluto20 its mainly for damn designs u dip shit!
actualy powder toy cant make gauss rifles becase by definition they use magnets