132 / 42
29th Oct 2011
27th Dec 2012
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isotopes suggestion electrons idea particle proton subatomic


  • Vinayak
    2nd Oct 2013
    We have protons. -_-
  • eddytuder
    26th Jul 2013
    we have electrons
  • sentinal-5
    12th Jun 2013
    by the way, when i say all molecules, i don't mean every single molecule in existance, that would take up about 5 intire harddrives, i only mean the ones included in the mod.
  • sentinal-5
    12th Jun 2013
    we NEED protons. that would be SOO cool! actually, if someone made a chemistry/physics mod... the periodic table for ALL elements (and just the elements), the standard form(is that what it's called) list for ALL subatomic particles, an actions list for things like: combust(fire), heat, cool, gravity control, pressure. and finally a submenu for all compounds/molecules/solutions included... if only i wasn't so bad at coding (and goddamn lazy)...
  • powderyperson127
    19th Feb 2013
    We need protons!
  • Demoman200
    16th Feb 2013
    electrons are now in!
  • combustion-man
    7th Jul 2012
    actualy to make antimatter you need all particles to be oppsite eg. proton= uud quark structure antiproton = anti u, anti u, anti d.
  • tayolo
    4th Mar 2012
    actually, you would need a whole set of new particles to form antimatter: Antiproton (negative proton), and Positron (positive electron), and of course no change to the neutron since it's neutral. Great save
  • Vinayak
    11th Feb 2012
    if only we had protons too now, we could start combining materials! And make electrons touch glass! ;)
  • Vinayak
    11th Feb 2012
    if only we had protons too now we could start combining materials!