plz tell me what i can do to improve. I will be making more guns soon.
how about being able to take off the carry handle and put a red dot sight or a mildot on it or even a scope? plus a laser underneath!
ya its pretty pointless haha
thought so i saw the thing on the stock
i added the little bars on the forearm and extended the mag and added the little silver thing on the stock
no, what have you added?? its perfect as it is! haha how could you have possibly improved it? :)
ya haha so have you noticed the little changes ive been making to the gun
no i know, no offence taken :P i know what you mean! the laser guns did get old after a while. i just did it for the mini art haha
whoops i didnt mean lame cuz yours are amazingly made i meant the ones that are just a gun that isnt even good
yeah i could never figure out how to make the photon guns like this, ill show you the best of what i have tried. im posting it now lol its horrible! XD
sure i really got tired of the lame aray guns like that so i decided to make this