a simulation of the data transferring around the world. USE if you want, feel free, but leave a credit, or my log, instead of it.
I have one small request. Could you make all the things here destructable? except for the sun of course. See, I feel like simulations should be interactable. but thats just me. GREAT JOB!
I think the term you're looking for is "Solar Wind" not "Sun Eruption".
@t3h1337n00b, I aint arguin', those "the world will end in 2012" people are a bunch of total faliures.
Press W to see what morons think will happen in 2012.
lies! The internet is a Series of Tubes!! Tubes! Tangled up Tubes!
@erikals, does that mean when one person hacks the internet and breaks a cable, it electrocutes every single thing in the ocean? :O No more hackin' for me :P
those satellite links are only part of the equation. There are undersea cables as well that link whole countries to the internet.
awesome sun eruption!
you didnt ask my permition, but its ok
one nuclear missile says we do own it :) ( Ex.president Bush starts to smile demonicaly, while silently chuckling to himself)