Constructed without INWR, PTCT, NTCT, DLAY. Works unstable and slowly. Everything is free to copy. Next version is available, link included.
Yes, mistakes happen quite often, unfortunately.
Ha Ha! I glitched it. I snapped one of the blocks in half by rotating it!
Agreed. Try CTRL+B. That is one hell of a lot of wiring! This must have taken over 100 hours of work! IT'S AMAZING! THE FIRST IRL GAME SIMULATED IN REAL LIFE! YOU JUST WON THE INTERNET!
how is this in front page? it should be in best page it is like soooooooooo awesome i love it i can't get how it warks it is soooooooooooooooo cool and omg cooooooool and awesome and awesmo and coool
whooooooooo! NICE WORK. the would deserve the anual tpt electronics award if it existed!!!!!! ps could anyone tell me if blocks stack or not? it is too slow for me to test. btw with real stuff, this woulr
Sir, you have my battle axe. You're the new Powder God.
Don't pour water on it...
The only problem is the lag!
great electronics