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wow dude u have mad an epic engine. i really like how u mad it change directions
why doesnt look anyone at my saves? pretty cool engine!!
and perhaps hydrogen or desl fuel mixture to blow the pressure up and create more realistic dynamics (hydrogen and desl combusts with HIGH pressure in tpt)
pretty nice althought a thing to improve for realism is an oxygen intake for a more realistic combustion. i really like your fire extinguisher system thought :3
Whoa, nice work and excellent effect!
thank you
i love how if somthing gets in the engine it shuts down
i tryed that but even with vectoring it still is way out of control i can show you my test engine to show you what i mean
It doesn't have enough pressure - you should use more pressure to push the fire or whatever your using out faster
thanks but for ome reason i don't think it was the vectoring