I love it! It is a bit long and low, but who cares! You must be blind to not see it is an AK-47, but indeed there are some similarities to the RPK :D +1
i gave this a 40rd mag, thay also make 30 and 20rd mags.
With that huge mag it looks little bit more like RPK-74M but its a great model anyway. +1.
lol konlo got schooled! thespazz i like your attitude. :D
this is a tru AK-47, this is what it would look like without a stock, and unlike you @konlo i realy have a semi auto AK-47. . And @doeitpstaco the AK-74U has a smaller barrol and size.
looks almost like a AK-74U
This is a ridiculous gun. The ak has a stock! this is some crap copy of the good ol' soviet rifle.
sry no i have no intrist in joining
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