55 / 15
13th Dec 2010
4th Sep 2012
A realistic copy of the biggest bomb of all the times!
russian bomb plutonium deuterium ussr-ftw hydrogen plasma


  • kaasci
    30th Apr 2013
    The Tsar bomba was the bigest. The Russians say it was 50mt although American satilites picked up a 57mt blast. Americas biggest bomb, Castle Bravo, was on 15mt.
  • boris457
    3rd Nov 2012
    @Mur: actually it was 57 megaton, not trying to be a dick, just so u know, great fan of you :D
  • Mur
    4th Sep 2012
    @powdertech: Tsar Bomba is the biggest bomb ever. The original one was 100MT but it was scaled down to 50MT. Search it. USA never have made a bigger one. @Cloudz: I have to disagree with you that "americans are better than anyone else on Earth"
  • SteelDragon666
    29th Aug 2012
    @powdertech I'm american and I'm against what you said... I wish people like you could live without pointing out that the USA was better whenever you get the chance.
  • boris457
    18th Aug 2012
    @powertech: they just say thta because of their "l have a bigger one attitude"
  • Cloudz
    16th Aug 2012
    @powdertech this was the most powerful bomb ever (that was dropped). Not the ICBMs stored in silos actually... and not that americans are better than anyone else on Earth
  • powdertech
    12th Aug 2012
    the Americans have made bigger and better
  • Mur
    26th Apr 2012
    @sandstorm: yes, you can
  • sandstorm
    17th Apr 2012
    i may miniaturize this and color it, with your permission...
  • boris457
    6th Feb 2012
    it is a lingle stage tellar ulam design, the actual tsar bomba had 2 stages