299 / 15
14th Feb 2012
21st Feb 2012
I bring to you yet another completely destroyable Power Plant; this time, Coal. This is still a W.I.P. To use, "get more coal" and allow the tanks to fill. then open storage, turn on furnaces. Tell me what ya think!
detailed zkryt powerplant coal bcol hohoho posh zetek steam hallucangen6


  • Poorsoft
    17th Feb 2012
    sweet work
  • zKryT
    17th Feb 2012
    yeah, I've been trying to find a better design so the cooling towers dont take so long to warm up, but nothin has worked yet. I'll see if i can fix that tank draining problem. Thanks.
  • frostbite_9875
    17th Feb 2012
    the water tank on the far right runs out of water
  • frostbite_9875
    17th Feb 2012
    it takes forever to produce steam (WTRV) from the cooling towers :(. but amazing plant other than that
  • Nab1929
    17th Feb 2012
    cool +1
  • zKryT
    17th Feb 2012
    My orignal design actually had 4 furnaces but ended up dropping one because there was not enough room to run direct pipes. This only uses 1 portal per furnace, my other i think used like 5 ea lol
  • zKryT
    17th Feb 2012
    Minishooz, thats not a bad idea, I may install a switch so you can choose which tank to fill. Thanks for the idea.
  • randalserrano
    17th Feb 2012
    I suggest making another furnace. That way each storage tank has two furnaces to use.
  • Minishooz
    16th Feb 2012
    If you stop the coal from falling out of the left side of the pipe then mabye it will fill up to the digger faster :)
  • zKryT
    16th Feb 2012
    Made a few more subtle changes to make water flow a little more efficient