This is the new Art Subgroup of Pixel Club. The main leader is TheDarkPhoenix. You must apply to join. If we think your art is good enough we accept you. If not, try harder and ask again. Copyright Pixel Club 2011.
thanks :D
@Royex: Added. :D
where is my name? O:
csn i join?
check out my newest art save 728473
TDP: I think you need to make a Completed Artwork page for people to have their work posted on, also you need to add a link to the engineering sub group! (plz as the car you will be doing will be connected with both groups) and renos pistol is a laser so i dont know what sub-group it falls under! i would also get to work on a mini outline and art for epicksl so he can start working on the next car so please get going with that as your main prority project! it doesnt have to be funtional thats epicksls job
thanks for let me join :D
pistols are good, ill probs make the sniper
I'll do the pistol... Coming soon ( Pixel Club Art Subgroup Pistol!)
I know I'm just asking which? Pistol or Sniper? Which should I make!!!!?!?!?!?!?!