i was bored so i decided that i will design a pencil for you! they will not all be the same size or w/e but you know...ill make em :D
slasher, what do you mean by blood effect? xD
... i litterally loled when i read the reply ahhahahahahaahahhahah
i would but i dont want a dick on my save...
pencils, seriously bro? .-. well, make me a huge sized dick shaped skin colored pencil and i promise i will put it on all of my saves with pride!! :D
large,bright green
hey purplebananadude, yours is finisehd but your name was to long to fit on it, and i think it was better looking without it anyway so w/e :D
large pencil with blood effect =)
itl be a while, my trackpad is brokn and i cant make things with the moue so...you know...
large pencil, blue colour and Dragon on it =)
merciless i had to cut off some of your name becaue it was to long but now it looks sharpened off :P but its finished