jacob, check out this: id:1080350 that is the reason I needed you in the club, please, read the comments before you get angry or you ban me, lot of people missunderstanded me
turn off heat simulation for no lag
no, I don't need to join. I already have a lot to do, I mostly just check 3 of my saves and don't do much else in tpt.
and you can find lot of things that should be on FrontPage so we also need a moderator a bit ;) and sorry for the error 7 comments bellow, I meant its not nesseseary, not: it is nesseseary XD sorry, I am writing too fast
and what did you ment by the OK? You wanna jjoin or what?
oops, box-poorsoft, not bx-poorsoft XD
like Kikinicij, dom2mom, FeynmansTechnologies,Oats,mecha-man,box-poorsoft,samtm77,theshayboos,soap and platinumtechno. You can check it by yourself