56 / 7
3rd Mar 2012
4th Mar 2012
No Description provided.
stkmstatue unrealistic fallout snazzy co2 mushroomwar destruction zombie rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrr


  • Jimmyfriend
    7th Mar 2012
    and talk things out, with a LONG and FRIENDLY conversation, where we dont shoot each other the second we disagree, maybe negotiating for years, but it saves lives, it helps the economy and jobs
  • Jimmyfriend
    7th Mar 2012
    Don't you find it funny that we've been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001, and in WWII we were fighting for years, just because we cant agree with each other? If we were to negotiate, and talk things
  • kingpowder1445
    7th Mar 2012
    shut up!!! stop fighting!!! this nonsense will not stop!!!! arh!!!
  • fludd12
    7th Mar 2012
    @LoneWolf414 Nuclear weapons discharge massive amounts of energy and radiation. Radiation can damage the genetic structure of the chromosomes a being has, and therefore has a chance to mutate.
  • LoneWolf414
    7th Mar 2012
    Nuclear weapons don't mutate. They kill and incinerate everything in a firey blast.
  • ted234521
    6th Mar 2012
    lol I must agree with hsemeghini but nuclear weapons do release radioactive particles which damage biological substances as well as their initial explosion.
  • hsemeghini
    6th Mar 2012
    Please, Stop fighting and play some Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas!
  • an300
    6th Mar 2012
    when people say nuclear war than it means when a nuclear wepon makes a radioactive leak and makes the world uninhabitable and destroy all life beings got it?
  • thed
    6th Mar 2012
    weapons didn't make the world habitable
  • EqualsThree
    6th Mar 2012
    Not even close.