7th Mar 2012
7th Mar 2012
Ok found this Glitch while mixing nuetrons and electrons
Not a glitch, it is a game mechanic.
Not a glitch. It is a 2H isotope hydragen atom. It has 1 proton (not there in this for obvious reasons) and 1 electron and one nuetron. Simple as that.
use neutron as proton.
in addition, hydrogen atom consists of 1 proton and 1 electron. But since there is no such thing as a PRTN, programmers just thought it would make sense to
Do you really think that's a glitch? Programmers would never make that kind of mistakes because it's programmably impossible to make that mistake!
yo i'm twelve and i learned that in like 3rd grade. what the heck is wrong with this guy. delete this post!
what ever kid
it is not a glitch it is relly a proper reaction like neut + c4 and it shows u what hydrogen is made of. ps,I know all this and I"m ownly 12