this club that only the best can join. if you want to join, poste in the comments youre best save's id number and i will see if you can join (i dont care about fp or votes i care about looks and proformence).
can i join i really want to be in 1330597
Damnit, I need 50 more points to be orca, how can I get them thespazz?
sailnir. the online forms are dead. theres no point in joining it. and noname. i dont have to look at your stuff. your in with 700 for now til you get sum good saves in.
Hey you put me in but I am not part of the actually online part of the club can you accept my invite
I'm the logomaker then xD
Bro can I join?
sry @Danieliscool, you are good, but not good enough.
and 1278524
i would like to join though i specialize in miltary saves but heres my best 2 1261833
To see if I can raise my score... Electronics: 1276739(it was made by me, read the description) 1255115. Art:1098804