484 / 34
14th Apr 2012
9th May 2012
I started this terrain as a project for the Infinity club. I think that this terrain look best without an enormous city above it, so I made this scenery. Painted with an intuos tablet. Enjoy
realistic mining destroyable wonderfull exquisit fossil home skelleton incredable ruski


  • R3APER
    16th Apr 2012
    But how does TPT work on the tablet? I'm new to the concept of the new technology, I am excited to see it is somehow possible though. Is it completely different from a computer, and if so how?
  • R3APER
    16th Apr 2012
    Oh thanks EpicWin, i'm still unsure of what is what. Honestly, I though the Bamboo tablet was another model of the Intuos5 tablet. I'll look into it, but thanks.
  • EpicWin
    16th Apr 2012
    R3APER I have a Bamboo pen tablet. It only cost around $60, and works fine. No need for a larger model, unless you're a professional grade artist.
  • randalserrano
    16th Apr 2012
    Beautiful work!
  • R3APER
    16th Apr 2012
    alright thanks, i am thinking about getting one of those tablets. they are around 200$, quick pricey, but very good for portability.
  • BuysDB
    16th Apr 2012
    type 'history:734548' in the search bar for some steps.
  • BuysDB
    16th Apr 2012
    I really don't know, I didn't make it all a once, I made some stones every day or so. The stones from the left to the skeleton are actually painted on the bamboo touch and fun. I recently bought the Intuos tablet. I started building this save on march 5th.
  • R3APER
    16th Apr 2012
    Nice! i was looking into getting one, when i saw the results of using one it was amazing, but this, this is fantastic. how long did it take to make?
  • BuysDB
    16th Apr 2012
    @Garenisk thanks! @R3APER : It's possible but it would definitely give you rsi. I have the Intuos 4L.
  • R3APER
    16th Apr 2012
    I knew before reading the description that a tablet was used!!! There is no way similar results can be achieved through a computer, its just impossible. How much was your tablet BuysDB?