20th Apr 2012
27th Apr 2012
It show you if heat, newtonain gravity, ambirt heat or air are ON.
@lars: Because without heat there would be no way for ambint to transfer heat so it is useless
On decorations he just colored the heat switch LOL
i turnd off heat but turned ambient heat on then ambient heat said off!
compleately original +1
may i copy the idea :3 , only the idea, not the sensors...
whats the air? :/
awesome! nice work, but there a bit glitchy at times...
decorations detector, sjust to simply
The air one does work hit the check mark on th bottem of the screen look next to air simulation where it says on click then click off
The best one is the Newtonian gravity one. I really can't say how are all sensors here useful. The decorations one can be checked looking at HSWC life.