signs (no Copying, warning...) Weapons (M4, Shotgun, SteyrAUG), fun things (opposite sand glass, laserpointers) Logomaking (Star-Trek, Feynman), and much more...
i don't know what to make what should i make?
thx (too short)
that's a cute logo
so its finished! middle-right position! dont delete the snow ground, there are the electronics hidden! have fun!
in the next 10 minutes
THNX and when do U think i'ts ready...?
aroy99 Youll get your logo soon!
Can I get an Logo please... it needs to be the SOUTHPARK 'cast' (kenny, cartman, kyle, stan) U need to putt them next to eachother and then they are waving and saying my username in LCRY. THNX!
on the powder toy anyways
wow that's the best apple logo i've ever seen!