The B.A.E ranks. These are likely to change as time goes on but this is them for now. Each rank must be achieved in order, rank 10 can only be awarded by a leader. Any requests to move up a rank will be ignored and you may be demoted. :P
how would he be rank 4
ok XD LOL , but remember not a full member :3
iito, you would only be rank four because you haven't won a project competition :P. You still want to?
and i just relize that i got 17 save with full vote bar LOL , if you want to add me its ok but not a full member... , might be 20% member :D , because i just want this rank LOL
? yeah, I know.....
we can do that! @.@
Go on the website to see number of other peoples votes. d:)
see own vote with pressing that 'my own' buton , what i didnt know how to see other people save vote and views XD
where can you see your votes??
It's fine :S. and poorsoft I can still put you on the homepage if you want. You don't have to sign up the website.